Animats 4 hours ago

Not sure what to make of this. Is this a feature, or a whole design?

The idea here is simply that if the whole call tree can be examined, rather than only looking at one module at a time, less annotation is needed. That's reasonable enough, although it may result in long compile times.

What I don't see here is:

- How are circular references handled?

- C++ objects implicitly have links from parent to child and child to parent. So there's built-in circularity. How does that work?

- What about interior mutability?

Examining the whole call tree is useful. It allows catching mutex deadlocks where a thread locks against itself and stalls. It may be possible to replace something like Rust's RefCell with something, perhaps "SafeCell", that supports the same .borrow() and .borrow_mut operations, checking them at compile time for overlapping borrow scopes.

  • aw1621107 3 hours ago

    > Not sure what to make of this. Is this a feature, or a whole design?

    My (high-level) understanding is that this is a response to some feedback [1, 2] to the author's previous paper [0] which (very generally speaking) adds some Rust-like systems/semantics to C++ to achieve memory safety. Some commenters voiced disapproval of the need for lifetime annotations and expressed a desire to find a solution that doesn't require them. I think this paper is an exploration of that idea to see what can be achieved without lifetime annotations.




  • j16sdiz 3 hours ago

    > - C++ objects implicitly have links from parent to child and child to parent. So there's built-in circularity. How does that work?

    Can you elaborate? In my understand, the parent/child relation are on the class not the object itself.

    • Animats 2 hours ago

      A child class can reference fields in the parent, and the parent can call virtual functions in the child.

      • carlmr an hour ago

        You mean vtable for inheritance? There's no ownership relation here.

        • jcelerier an hour ago

          Well, there is: it's easy to trigger unsafe behaviour by calling a virtual method accessing a child class data member (say some std::vector) when in the parent class destructor, as the child sub object will already have been destroyed. Thus it's reasonable to say that there is a bidirectional ownership relationship.

          • Animats 38 minutes ago

            Yes. Rust has safe destructor semantics. C++ does not.

            Back references are really hard in Rust. You can do them with Rc, RefCell, and Weak, but there's a lot of run-time checking involved. More static analysis could eliminate most of that run-time checking. .borrow(), .borrow_mut(), and .upgrade().unwrap() panic if they ever fail. So you really want to prove they can't fail. If you can do that, you don't need the run-time checks. In that direction lies the solution to Rust's limited data structure problems.

          • messe 37 minutes ago

            When in the parent class destructor, the v-table will point toward the parent's v-table not the child's (try it out), so I'm not sure how you'd call a virtual method accessing a child member.

fallingsquirrel 5 hours ago

> This proposal implements two sets of constraint rules. Free functions constrain return references by the shortest of the argument lifetimes. Non-static member functions constrain return references by the implicit object lifetime.

It seems like this proposal just chooses a general set of constraints and forces it everywhere? Under these rules you couldn't e.g., have a regex object with a match method that takes a string and returns a reference to that same string. Seems too limiting to be practical.

  • leni536 5 hours ago

    No, it explores this particular design, but concludes that lifetime annotations are needed.

ndesaulniers 4 hours ago

Overall interesting read. I'm rooting for Sean. If he has faith that C++ is not too far gone to be saved...perhaps I can, too.

> Explain the infeasibility of making legacy lvalue- and rvalue-references memory safe.

> Relocation must replace move semantics

He advocates for adding lots of things to the language, but that point is a massive change to the language IMO. I definitely think move semantics are awful; as is the hierarchy of rvalues (xvalues and glvalues) is nuts, but at this point can they be removed from the language? Or do I misinterpret the point? Perhaps this is different between unsafe blocks (vs default safe blocks)?

  • pjmlp an hour ago

    If you check the flames on Reddit, not sure if he will keep at it, the WG21 feedback has been pretty disapointing, hence this paper, as kind of response to those replies.

    Most folks at WG21 think profiles will magically solve the problem, even though many of the ideas are only available on paper, not a random C++ compiler.

    The biggest issue is that while a language like Ada also has profiles, the safety culture is much different, and they are part of the ecosystem since Ada83, not something that was added later.

    • jeffreygoesto 28 minutes ago

      It is a gargantuan endeavour tbh. I am writing safety C++ code for a living and still am undecided if it is a good idea to continue to do so. Safety benefits a lot from understandability and that is undoubtedly better with simple code and a simple(r) language.

      Trying to keep the legacy code alive through compatibility introduces more than two languages in one, as all the combinations must be understood as well. Wrapping legacy code into bigger "unsafe" blocks and guarding the perimeter of that block is not a bad idea, it creates less mix to reason about.

      Would allowing only safe references in safety code really hinder adoption?

    • blub 33 minutes ago

      Author’s paper also doesn’t solve the problem, because I wager most C++ programmers wouldn’t touch this rustified C++, which manages to look even worse than the already not light on the eyes original.

      • pjmlp 14 minutes ago

        Probably, but then they will need to decide how much they feel like if C++ joins the computing equivalent of hazardous goods, where products written on it only have clearance for specific use cases.

        See "Product Security Bad Practices" from CISA and FBI, published last week.

        => "Software manufacturers should build products in a manner that systematically prevents the introduction of memory safety vulnerabilities, such as by using a memory safe language or hardware capabilities that prevent memory safety vulnerabilities. Additionally, software manufacturers should publish a memory safety roadmap by January 1, 2026."

jtrueb 6 hours ago

This formatting and font mixing is difficult to read on mobile.

p1necone 3 hours ago

Seeing this on HN feels a bit like those apocryphal stories of the professor who hands out the "read all the questions before you start" quiz, and the last question just tells the students to ignore everything else, wait 30 minutes and leave for full marks.