
...joined 5 years ago, and has 1377 karma

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Currently working with: database internals and distributed systems.

Influences: Ecology academia, BigCo analytics, multiple startups, BigTech.

Interests: Systems, networks, databases, and performance optimization.

Hobbies: League of Legends, yoga, programming.

Important: If you are looking at this profile because you thought something I posted was wrong, dismissive, disrespectful, douchebaggish, what have you -- I would really like to hear from you so that I could understand how you got that impression. I won't get mad, I won't "retaliate" I just want to hear what you have to say. It is important to me to communicate clearly and if something I said struck you that way then I failed and I would like to correct it.

Note: Any comments on this site attributed to me are my opinions and not those of any current, past, or future employer. Consider yourself so notified.

Credit to ChuckMcM for this profile format. I liked it enough to steal it!